As part of its "Forward Thinkers" series, Jaguar MENA has launched its fifth film which celebrates the outstanding life journey of adventurer Nacer Ibn Abdeljalil and his experience climbing some of the world's highest mountains in the harshest of conditions.

Jaguar's "Forward Thinker" series was launched as part of the brand's "The Art of Performance" communications platform with the aim of recognising performance that excites the senses and pushes past the limits of convention to become art. Collaborating with "Forward Thinkers" from the UAE, Kuwait, Lebanon, KSA and Morocco, the project shares stories of different individuals, their accomplishments and dedication in each of their respective fields.

Continuously pushing boundaries, Nacer was the first Moroccan to ever climb Mount Everest. This climb represents one of seven which will see Nacer achieve his personal dream to make it to the top of the seven highest summits of each continent within the next two years.

With his extraordinarily strong perseverance and commitment to high endurance activities, Nacer challenges himself day after day to break out of his comfort zone. Constantly looking for a new territory to discover, Nacer has already made it to the peaks of Mont Blanc (4,807m) , McKinley (6,194m), Aconcagua (6,959m), Mount Everest (8,848m) in May 2013 and the North Pole.

Commenting on his experiences, Nacer said: "To deal with adversity or harsh conditions, I try to give attention to every single detail in order to be confident in my actions and to be really well prepared." Learning from his adventures, the former corporate banker founded "Everest Conseil" in 2013 to inspire people to achieve their dreams. "Everest Conseil" offers various workshops, events, and conferences across the region to help individuals attain their dreams, achieve success in challenging conditions and manage stress.

Despite the warnings, Nacer remains relentless and eager to think outside the box and accept the next feat. Traveling to the South Pole next, Nacer commented: "The Art of Performance is not about how much power you have, but about how you use this power regardless of the conditions. During my journeys, I personally experienced that agility is more important than speed – a sports car, for example, is not a real sports car due to its speed, but because it can perform fast in different conditions and locations.

Nacer's film embodies the Jaguar spirit and showcases performance cars with outstanding design and exceptional agility that sets the pulse racing. With the belief that performance is more than a measurable statistic, Jaguar is celebrating all types of art, craftsmanship, creativity, and performance from across various industries in the dynamic Middle East region as part of its "The Art of Performance" platform.\